God has always desired to have a relationship with us. Before Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden (Genesis Chapter 3), they knew God intimately. They related with Him personally until sin disconnected them. Christians must realize our need for God, and seek him wholeheartedly. Faith in Jesus Christ will reconnect us with God.
The Bible reference
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hears my voice, and open the door, I will come into him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
(Revelation 3:20 KJV)
Pray to have Relationship with God
Father, please help me to remain focus in your presence. Help me to maintain a consistent relationship with you. Help me to find satisfaction in the habit of daily bible study and prayers. Please let your promises of prosperity be fulfilled in my life, and let me enjoy your goodness until the very end of my earthly journey. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
Ancient of Days, my life is empty without you, and I want to have a good relationship with you. I understand that you can only relate to me if I repent from my sins; therefore, I come to you with my full confession today. I am sorry for all my sins, I confess my sins and repent from them. I request the forgiveness of my sins through your Son Jesus Christ. Please wash me clean and keep me fit to enjoy the benefits of your relationship. Please keep me fit for your kingdom also. Let it be well with me throughout the days of my life. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
Jehovah, I do not want to fool myself by assuming that it is not necessary to have a definite relationship with you! I need you; I need your deliverance, protection, and provisions! Therefore, I am ready to give all it takes to have you in my life as my personal Lord and Savior. I yield my total life to you today; I confess your Son Jesus Christ as Lord, and I accept him as my personal Savior. From now on, I will faithfully serve you, and for the rest of my life! Thank you, God for sending your Son Jesus Christ to save my soul. For in the name of Jesus Christ I prayed.
Oh Lord, please help me not to form an alliance with people that care less about you. Help me to be sensitive enough to interact and form networks of people that have regards for your principles. Let me walk with people of value, so that your light may shine through me. Also, help me to be a good example for other people to emulate. Please let my services be acceptable before you always. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
Dear Jesus Christ, please help me to be a true Christian who remains focus to you. Let me maintain a healthy relationship with you, and let me make you happy at all times. At the end of my earthly journey, let me be accepted into your kingdom to receive an imperishable crown of glory. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
Jesus Christ, please help me to be conscious of holiness, and maintain a clean relationship with you at all times. Do not let me fall into sin, so that Satan will not take advantage of me. Help me to express genuine repentance whenever I sin against you. Let me humble myself and repent from sin so that I can receive your forgiveness. Please guide me in holiness and protect me from the enemies. Let me enjoy all your benefits throughout the days of my life. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
Dear Jesus Christ, please do not let me serve you in vain. Do not let me waste my time by remaining a nominal Christian. Help me to maintain a serious relationship with you. Let me be your true child that complies with your holiness standards. At the end of it all, let me be welcome to heaven to receive your precious imperishable crown of glory. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.