Intercession or intercessory prayer is offered to God as believers stand in gap for other people. Christians must not be obsessed with our needs only, but we must intercede for others and ask God to meet their needs also.
The Bible reference
“Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
(Matthew 18:19- 20 KJV)
Pray the Prayer of Intercession
Dear Jesus Christ, I ask you to please make me an instrument of restoration to backsliding Christians. Energize me to pray, care, and proactively engage them until they are fully restored into your love. At the same time, I am using this opportunity to pray for every Christian who has lost his/her first love, to be restored. I ask the Almighty God to restore them into true and effective worship. I pray that Christ rekindles his fire in them so that they can continue to serve God in Spirit and truth. May the Holy Spirit possess my brothers and sisters that are turning back from the true love of God! May the power of God rest on all the saints to remain steadfast until the day of Christ appearance on earth. May faithful brothers and sisters remain focus to the end so that we can all shout “Hosanna” and sing songs of victory. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
Dear God, please help me to be sensitive not to give your due glory to a mortal man or woman. Let me offer you due glory and honor at all times. In addition, give me the grace to respect your servants so that I can incur your blessings. Help me to pray and offer necessary assistance for your servants, so that they can be motivated to serve you more. Please bless me also as I endeavor to obey all your instructions. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
Dear Jesus Christ, please save people throughout the world. Touch their hearts to realize that you have died for their sins. Let them respond to you and be saved. Let all people – irrespective of their religion, ethnicity and culture – accept you as the Son of God. Let them confess you as their personal Lord and Savior, so that they can be accepted into heaven. Also, I ask you to please empower your servants throughout the world to preach your undiluted gospel that would convert sinners into genuine repentance. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
Dear Lord Jesus Christ, please redeem our churches again. Please make your blood shed on the cross become relevant again in our churches again! Let our church leaders start to fear and obey your instructions; let the church members take their heavenly mandates seriously. Let the truth of your gospel be preached from our church altars; let true love be demonstrated among brethren. Please, establish the standard of your righteousness in our churches so that people of this generation can have good a legacy to pass down to the coming ones. When the clock finally stop working and the world comes to an end, please make our churches receive a royal welcome in heaven as a body of saints adored for her husband. Please do this and much more! For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
Dear heavenly God, you are the first and the last; you are the final authority, and no one can question you. My life goal is to be humble before you and give you due honor. Please give me the grace to do so. Empower me to arrogate every victory I have to the praise of your name. I also pray that you will enlighten people to realize the greatness of your power over their situations so that they can praise you. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
book intercessory prayer, book of a prayer