

Those Who Wait on God Shall Be Strong...


Important Prayers For Us

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Is prayer important for us, and should we consider prayer an important part of our lives? The answer is “Yes!”

Important prayers are needed for crucial occasions, but prayer is needed at all times.

Prayer serves us with many advantages. Christians should routinely pray to God. 

We should consider it a must-task to take – practically on a daily basis.

If someone says, “I know that prayer is important, but what benefit do I get when I pray?”

Well, the answer is not far-fetched. Prayer is the master key! It is the key to gaining an entrance to God’s immeasurable blessing.

First of all, people should know that prayer is communication with God. It is the simple means of reaching God to receive whatever we want from him.

God, in his infinite mercy, has allowed us to communicate with him as much as we desire. 

God unto God at any moment that you want, and he will be readily available to help you.


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Why should we call unto God in prayer?

If anyone considers this question: Why is it important to call unto God in prayer? Let’s consider who God is. He is the creator of the whole universe. God is omnipotent- all-knowing and all-powerful.

If we call unto God for help, it means we are asking him (the one who has the power to give liberally at his disposal). 

Perhaps, the most exciting part is that God, who is omnipotent, is also generous! He does not withhold anything good from his children.

If you meet a rich person who asks you to make a request, would you ask for something insignificant? Most likely not. Imagine yourself in the presence of God of gods and the Lord of lords. He gives you a blank check to ask whatever you want in prayer. 

Ask whatever you want, and it shall be given to you. Jesus said,

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened” (Matthew 7:7-8).

Prayer engagement can sometimes be challenging because we come through it from a difficult angle. We stress our mind when it turns to prayer, forcing it to consider it an important task. But prayer, indeed, is a simple thing.

No rule applies when it turns to prayer. Say your prayer anyhow you want it, and it shall be granted to you. 

Prayer- short, long, or extended are all acceptable to God. God will answer you as much as you are in tune with heaven.

Do not underrate prayer!

The bible stated, that a poor man cried to God, and he received what he asked for. We can learn and apply the same principle also.

We call to God, and he hears us!

This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. Psalm 34:6″.

Prayer should be our daily practice as children of God. If you don’t engage your spouse in communication, you lose something. The relationship will grow pale. Similarly, if you don’t engage God in prayer, you lose something.

Make prayer your crucial daily habit. Keep praying and keep the fire burning because the reward will come your way in due time. You will have an answer, and you will praise God.

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Book of Prayers: Prayer Selections by Category

Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $3.99.
Shop At Amazon Book of Prayers: Prayer Selections by Category When we turn to God for help or guidance, we need to know what to say and how to say it. In this Book of Prayers, by James Taiwo, you will find a prayer solution to your problem.

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James Taiwo

Post by James Taiwo – author of Book of Prayers | Pinnacle of Compassion | Bible Application Lessons | Success Express Lane | Bible Giants of Faith & others. Learn More

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