Sexual sin includes not only sexual intercourse but also other sexual activities that are outside of God-approved marriage between a man and a woman. Sex is not only a matter for the body but also a matter of the mind.
The Bible reference
“…It is God’s will that you keep away from sexual sin as a mark of your devotion to him…”
(I Thessalonians 4:3 GNT)
In its proper context of marriage, sex is a good thing as the scripture stated,
“A man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh”
(Gen. 2:24 KJV)
Pray to Abstain from Sexual Sin
Dear God, please save me from sexual sins. Help me to consciously resist sexual sins. Empower me to be disciplined and say no to all sexual temptations. Help me to live pure and acceptable life before you at all times, so that I can obtain your benefits on earth and in heaven also. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
Dear God, I realized that it is foolishness to mistake your love for sexual immorality. Your love is not selfish, and it does not seek carnal satisfactions. Therefore, I ask you to give me the grace to abstain from sexual sin, and pursue a pure relationship with you. Please do not let me yield to the temptations of Satan and fall into sexual sins. I receive your grace and empowerment of the Holy Spirit to live a pure life and satisfy you on earth so that I can inherit your eternal kingdom. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
Father, I know that I am not perfect and I have transgressed against your will. I have decided to amend my ways before you; from now on, I will serve you with purity, and I will obey your instructions. I will stop my sexual sins, and I will serve you in holiness. I am asking for grace and empowerment of your Holy Spirit so that I can remain focus and keep serving you in holiness. Please keep me fit for the rapture, and let your faithful testimony remains in my mouth. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
Holy Spirit, please save me from sexual sins; create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me! I am sorry for all my past sins. I am sorry for every sexual sin that I have committed. Please help me to have a fresh start with you. Let me serve you with the beauty of your holiness, and let me walk uprightly with you at all time. Let your Holy Spirit keep me fit for your second coming. Please, write my name in the book of life, and let me qualify to partake in your heavenly banquette. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
Everlasting God, I understand that sexual sin is an abomination to you; therefore, I want to stop the practice in my life. I am sorry for those sexual sins that I have committed in the past, I am now determined to live a holy life before you. I will not entertain sexual sin anymore! From now on, I will abstain from anything that can corrupt my mind; I will stop all my immoral activities. I will be conscious of holiness, and I will do my best to practice it. Please fill me with your Holy Spirit, and empower me to do the right thing at all time. At the end of my earthly race, let me be awarded your medal of honor in heaven for standing uprightly with you. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
Jehovah, please I do not want my soul to burn in hell fire, but I want to make heaven! Help me to resist sins; do not let me yield to temptations, but empower me to maintain my body in holiness so that I can receive your positive rewards in heaven. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.